Macclesfield beer gathering III – #MaccToTheFuture

As you may or may not know, I have helped organise an event in Macclesfield over the last two years, a Twissup, beer gathering, meet up, call it what you will. Both seem to have been well received, many new beers produced and especially with the most recent, many brewers attending to chat and drink alongside customers.

This last year (2014) under the “Back In Macc” banner, we tried to focus on new breweries and brewers not yet quite there commercially, giving them a chance to showcase something to a decent sized audience. (the “we” by the way is myself and mainly Toby Mckenzie of RedWillow Brewery, ably assisted by local pub/bar owners Chris Stairmand and Bronwyn Riley of The Wharf and Treacle Tap respectively) plus friends/supporters. There are a few pics from previous events in progress below:


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10659166_10154603871210788_1359327912401101491_n10600646_10154603870660788_3115339361503113849_nAnyway, it seems folk want another in 2015 so I’m exploring an idea.

What I am trying to do is get an “Old School” or traditional brewer(y), perhaps family generational owned, or anyone with a bit of history of just being plain good at what they have always done with no great desire to change as such. Hopefully avoiding those who have already tried “reinventing themselves” with a “CRAFT arm” or branding.

Then get them to pair up with a newer brewer(y), perhaps noted for being one of the new breed, progressive styled or trendier etc. The idea being that they create something together, not trying to change one or the other, or prove which is best. Maybe take an old recipe and recreate it, give an existing beer a new twist, or create something completely new. A no holds barred, free rein brief. Perhaps simplified as a meeting of minds. Clearly I’m talking about more than one collaborative brew here, it would be slightly limited in appeal otherwise, in fact the more the merrier..

The title of the event should it come to fruition is likely to be “Macc To The Future” but that’s not carved in stone if it doesn’t suit what works out. #Macctothefuture

To add to this and perhaps where some of you good people reading this come in. I’d like to also pair up a writer/blogger up with each collective (locally if possible), to work on the idea, join in with the brew day and promote it. The proposed timing is a Saturday around late Aug to mid Sept 2015 (tbc asap).

Unfortunately there is no money in this for anyone, it’s a labour of love, as it costs the venues a lot to buy the beers, and a lot of time and energy is given locally with the only beneficiaries being a local charity in past years. This from beer and food donated free by RedWillow at the Brewery.

This is the list of potential target breweries that came out of my first Twitter/Facebook poll as being perhaps unfairly overlooked as being “off trend”. Some may not suit and we probably wouldn’t be able to do them all, it does give us a wider scope though. It’s also worth noting that this list does not exclude anybody necessarily either, purely a starting point for reference.

Hook Norton
G W Wright
Burton Bridge
J W Lees
Black Sheep
Sam Smiths
Shepherd Neame
St Austel
Note: Adnams and Thwaites were also suggested, but my thought process puts them a little too far down the “reinvented” path, with the Crafty Dan brewery and the newer Adnams ranges, but included for fairness and reference as they were suggested. This though to be clear does not exclude them either, if there is a perfect match out there.

Ground rules.

In terms of what to brew, I suggest a no holds barred approach as I’ve said, anything goes, although clearly we’d need to try to make sure we didn’t end up with all big ABV’d bruisers

Each brew definitely needs at least someone there to represent each beer collective collaboration, it just adds to the occasion, giving folks a chance to talk about and be talked to about the project and promote it.

Cost is important of course to make sure the beer bill doesn’t spiral out of control and make this a burden for anyone. So please bare that in mind when deciding what to brew, or at least be prepared to ask a reasonable price of the guys hosting it in the town. It’s for fun not profit on this occasion.

If you are interested let me know, get in touch and register interest, especially if you have a collective in mind. We can then see if there is any mileage in pulling it together and set a firm date.

Contact me via twitter @filrd

Or via the MaccTwissup Facebook page here

Or comment on this post and we can arrange on how to get in touch, unfortunately listing email addresses on here leads to a massive spam-fest!!



13 thoughts on “Macclesfield beer gathering III – #MaccToTheFuture

    • Tough to pitch anyone in or out Tyson really, I have ideas on that, but different people would challenge them either way. Let’s see who is willing to participate and take it from there…

  1. Yes – I’m up for that and have a couple of things in mind. I’ll put out some feelers.

    • Cheers John, great to hear it. I’m trying to get a couple of international collabs off the ground too, so any thoughts on that would be great too with your contacts.. Keep me posted

  2. Holts and Robinsons have both done the “Craft Arm” thing with Bootleg & “White Label” respectively.
    Titanic and George Wright may take offence at being in the “old school” sector – both relatively young in the big scheme – 1995 and 2003 respectively.

    Interesting you’ve listed Black Sheep but not Theakston themselves?

    Full list of the family brewers here:

    Can put feelers into the Marston’s organisation.

    • As I’ve said to Tyson above, it’s hard to be absolutely nailed on with these and in some ways it doesn’t have to be, it is supposed to be a fun day out after all, maybe challenging a few perceptions at the same time.

      The list in the post was one that I didn’t compile myself or at least come up with myself, I asked about on twitter and took suggestions on who people thought fit the brief, then stuck them up to maybe stir some thoughts.

      That link is really useful info btw, thanks for that.


      • I don’t really think Robinsons have done a fully fledged “craft arm” – there’s only been one White Label beer so far. I’m running this past them as it’s something I think they may well be up for.

I'd love to hear what you think, please don't forget to comment, thanks